Rock To Rock May 5th, 2004
Testing, Fixing, No Testing, Ouch...
We headed down into Old Mexico to attack my favorite track again and it yeilded a ripping fun 7 miles. I was only 130 short and still took 2nd! We passed three broken cars and three runners in those 7 quick miles.
It ended up being an issue that was raised from lack of testing after modifications and a lost Big Blue Beast (my van).
I'd bent the rear of the car badly during the big down hill flippy floppy last August. The area that the tranny goes in had to be cut free and relocated. It made it weaker. Then this past February, at Glamis, I bottomed the back of the car out really hard in some whoops at the base of Oldsmobile Hill. Must have bent it (again) then.
I took the Dez out to the desert the first Tuesday of the week I got to Phoenix (April 27) and played a while, shaking the car down to see what needed attention - afterall, this was the first race since Snowflake. It seemed like it was blowing belts after high speed runs, so I was working on blowing a belt to see if I could figure out why. Got lucky(?) and it didn't blow it, but then again, it was worn. Interesting. Answer to be found later... I was also trying to get my brakes working like they should.
I've had issues with the rear brakes since we built the car and they were present again (and are to this moment! - but hopefully a fix is on the way). The brakes are just not big enough to handle the weight of the car and the wheel diameter that I run - and I also bias my brakes to the back of the car to set up corners and such, so the poor things are abused badly when I start driving hard. ATV Racing working on a dual disc setup on a Honda powered desert car that they have sitting in the shop right now - it's a shame that I can't just use the setup that they'll be running, but the two stroke cars tranny mounts differently than the Honda VTEC powered cars and the driven clutch hits the rotor when it upshifts.
After my test session, I stopped by ATV Racing to talk brakes and as we were going over the rear rotor and caliper we noticed that the clutches didn't look like they were aligning correctly. So we started checking stuff out. That's when we discovered that the lower rear frame hoops were bent again. The frame had been hit hard enough that it tore the frame tubing where the tranny input shaft support bar was welded to it. <---- this is the key to the race failure. More on that in a sec.
James (ATV Racing fab guy - builds Tazcars and is an AWESOME aluminum welder) and I spent Thursday cutting the tranny out and getting the everything aligned.
We spent Friday putting it all back together.
We changed the tranny input shaft brace from a .095" wall, 0.75" diam tube to a 1.0 x .095 piece. NOT GOOD!
We also added two more frame hoops that brace the rear end better (and are now an ATV Racing Standard part on any two stroke car - Score another standard upgrade directly from the Dez!), gussetted EVERYTHING, modified the caliper mounts, braced the tranny mounts even more, made all the tranny mounts through bolts instead of thread in and also did some other mods to the car that will make life easier. (New shifter with a locking lever that holds it in gear and that doesn't eat my knee anymore!)
By the time all was done, it was 4:00 in the afternoon and we were leaving for Mexico and the race at 6:00. I loaded the Dez back up into the BBB and headed home to get ready to make the trip south.
Saturday morning at the track I ran about 3-4 miles worth of testing for setup;
Quick jetting check showed slightly rich - perfect. (1100F on the EGT)
Let me check suspension settings - Perfect!
And my favorite part - let me run the starting line a few times, so I knew where the smooth line was - as if 3' deep whoops are smooth lines...
We launched about 10:15, ran the smooth line (heard over and over from people in the pits later that they couldn't believe how quickly the Dez leaves the line and gets up on the rough crap) and started passing cars. We passed two of them within two miles of the line - poor guys were feeling each and every dip and whoop and Jay and I were skipping across the top of them - somewhat out of control a couple times...
Right at the 5 mile marker we cross a highway, complete with Mexican Policia directing traffic and spectators. Up and over the road and off into the desert we go. About a mile and a half later we suddenly hear a loud bang and the car starts shuddering - Just like when a belt goes. Jay hops out, I can hear/feel him working on the belt and he climbs in about 20 - 30 seconds later. He also drops what appears to be a used, but good belt on the floorboard. We get back on the gas and about half way thru the revs the car starts shuddering and vibrating.
Belt suddenly lets go.
Jay hops out and changes the belt. We leave again and the same vibration shows up again. I pull over and we decide to go back to the road so we don't have to lay in the stickers and such to see if we can figure out what's up. We blow a belt on the way back. That's two down. One spare on the car (always have three spares on the car at the start of a race), one used spare on the floor board and one in the BBB.
We headed back to the highway crossing (about two miles back) by following the race course, but off line to stay clear of racers heading our. I putted along about 5-10 mph through the brush and vegetation. The wind was coming from Jay's side of the car and the front wheel was picking up these sticker balls that were about 1" in diam and throwing them up into the air - right at Jay's window. The wind would then deposit the flying sticker ball on Jay. They're coming in faster than he can get rid of them. I see one on his hand, then one on his shoulder then another on his arm. He's working away trying to rid himself of them and then the soft ball sized clump decides to come join in the party - landing right in his lap. He looks over at me with this look of "Man, what did I do???" We also stopped along the way and picked up another racer that had become a Mexico Victim - he rode on the nerf bar outside my window.
We got back to the road, the hitch hiker jumped off and Sticker Man and I climbed out of the Dez to assess the problem. - uh, well, I assessed the problem. Stickerman was busy trying to become Jay again.
It turns out that the root problem of the drive train was that 1" diameter tube that we installed for a tranny brace!
The clearance was no longer there (original tube was .75" in diam) and so as the clutches would upshift, the belt would get rubbed up against the tube. This would start the vibration (teeth on inside of belt bouncing off the tube).
Now the thought was to get back to the pits, cut the offending bar out for the time being, grab the spare belt and head back out.
Okay, not that big of a deal - we'll only be down a few minutes if we get this all set up again. We hopped on the highway and drove back to the pits - killing a belt in the process. One spare in the BBB and the used one we started out with... Uh oh...
We get to the pits and the BBB is GONE! - well, yeah, he was supposed to be on his way to the next pit stop, but nobody's seen James and his son Chase and we can't find them on the radio. Screw it - we'll cut the bar off, run the belt, have spare - make it to the next pit where James is supposed to be - at least that's the new and improved plan....
We finally find a sawzall and cut the bar off, check for clearance and such and decide it will work. Since we'd already run the first 5 miles of desert, we cheat and take the highway back to the crossing. As soon as we get up to speed, the thing starts vibrating badly again. WHAT NOW??? I pull over and Jay and I discuss that we should probably head back to the pits again and see if we can find James and the BBB. We blow a belt on the way back to the pits. Put the old original one back on and hope it works.
Once we get to the pits again, we start the big radio hunt for James - had Whiplash start doing radio relays. Nobody's seen the BBB since they left the pits.
I started looking at the drive train of the Dez - put it in neutral and revved it up. That's when I saw the problem!
The vibration from the belt caused the driven clutch to spit out the sliding bushings (the bang we heard), the sliding sheave then had no support and was able to just move around as it wanted once it upshifted enough so that it wasn't over the shaft where the bushings used to be - more vibration, high misalignment of the clutches and shredded belt.
We had one belt on the car, one spare in the BBB and a spare driven clutch in the BBB also. Just no BBB!!!
I gave up at 12:45. Can't find James anywhere, radio relays from all the pits and people on the road were all dead end. Time to go sit in the Cantina and wait until 1:00 so I can get a Tecate (beer) or six.
James rolls up about 1:30 - 2:00. Turns out that he'd been given the wrong directions to the pits and turned left instead of right out of the main pit area. He had driven about 100 miles out of the way by the time he got back. Not the happiest camper - but none of us were. Was just a series of bad blows.
I still had an absolute blast in Mexico that weekend, though. Let's just say pretty Blondes do have more fun (:
On Monday, I took the Dez back to ATV Racing, we replaced the brace with a .75" diam .125" wall tube, made a new stay for it, replaced the driven clutch (which was completely toast) and had the car all happy again. I took it out to the desert that afternoon and proceeded to rip 60 miles of desert roads and trails up with no problems, issues or snags. Just perfect, fun hard driving - the way it's supposed to be.
On Tuesday I decided that I'd take it back out - I'd mapped out a 5 mile loop that had a bit of everything in it - sandy whoops, rocky whoops, tight stuff, WFO stuff, washes, trees, twisties - everything that makes playing in the desert fun. I took James with me. Hmmm... all my braking points are too far in the corners now. Amazing what the weight of a passenger does to the car once you get used to it w/o someone riding shotgun! I managed to blow a few corners before I got adjusted to having James with me. Not sure he enjoyed that part much...
About two thirds the way through the first lap, I came blazing through a wide left hand sweeper - probably 65 - 70 mph or so, you get on the brakes extremely hard, roll through a really deep, nasty wash, get back on the gas, hit a small jump, dog right around a small tree, run down a short shoot and then, once again hit the brakes for another wash (only about 2' deep, not 4' like the last nasty). I'm running about 50 or so through this area. I think James is enjoying himself now.
When I hit the brakes to slow for this next wash, the pedal doesn't do anything other than go to the floor! I braced for the hit in the wash - nope, no hit - you can clear it w/o any probs running 50. Problem is that the trail makes a really hard left after the wash. Instead of going left, we're headed off into the trees. I managed to avoid them all - I was more worried about the watermelon sized rocks that I knew were hiding in the tall grass. Luckily we never found one. As we finally roll to a stop in the trees and weeds James looks over at me with wide eyes and asks "WHAT THE F*%# WAS THAT ALL ABOUT???"
"Pure terror and a lack of brakes!" was all I could say.
Turns out that I'd overcooked the rear brakes and the pad material had come delaminated from the backing pad! Not pretty. I took the Dez back to ATV Racing, worked on it a bit there and managed to get some brakes back, but they still weren't right. It was then that I decided to bring the Dez back to Ohio to do the mods at my leisure instead of thrashing out in Phoenix.
Stone City Ranch
Short Course June 5th, 2004
The Dez finally WINS! - THREE!!!
The rear brake issue on the Dez has been a problem since we put the car together. Over the past couple years we've tried a few different configurations. It started out with dual rear brakes - one on the input shaft of the tranny, one on the right side CV flange. The small one (input shaft) spun upwards of 12 grand and overheated very, very quickly - it was originally designed for a Stadium Lite sized car - 650 lbs, 70 hp, not 1300 lbs, 200 hp. Seems that it was doing about 1/2 the work when it should have been 1/4 of it. We finally decided to get rid of that one and rely on the main rear rotor. It worked okay, but nothing spectacular.
Once we got the suspension dialed in, I discovered that I was able to drive the car so much harder that I was now using the rear brake and rear brake bias to set the car up for the corners. By drilling the brakes to break rear traction, I now dive the car into the corner as I set up a nice rear end slide into it. I trail the brakes to the apex and then romp on the throttle thru the exit of the corner. I'm getting better and better at rally style driving. The rear brake is also getting used a lot more than it had been, so heat was becoming even more of an issue. I had also gone from a 3/4" bore master cylinder to a 5/8" bore m/c to get more braking pressure and a better pedal feel. More heat. Not good... We switched pads - now using endurance racing pads rated up to 600 F to deal with the heat. Still, in the heat of the desert, adding in the weight a passenger (poor James) the rear rotor and caliper just couldn't handle the added stress and the pads finally said "we're outta here", the seals were cooked and leaking fluid everywhere and the rotor was glazed and cooked black as coal. It was time to completely rework the rear braking system.
First thing was to get rid of the original rotor and caliper. That was easy, just unbolt the rotor from the CV drive flange and unbolt the caliper. Removing the caliper mounts wasn't a big deal either - sawzall's are great.
Next was figuring out how to install/mount the new rear rotor. Neil (ATV Racing) had sent me a new vented rear rotor that had a built in hat (the old rotor was flat with no offset or step). I was going to have to do a bit of machine work, but that's not a big deal - I enjoy it...
First thing was to get the rotor mounted. I finally decided on a configuration and went into the machine room. A couple hours later, tada - one very nicely fitting vented rotor mounted to the drive flange. Now I had to modify the new, larger caliper to accept the new wider, vented rotor. A couple more hours in the machine room and now the caliper was .300" wider and the rotor fit right in between the pads like it should.
Bolt everything up, clamp the caliper to the rotor, make mounts for the caliper and I now had what appeared to be a much better, larger, cooler, happier rear braking setup. With a little help from Larry, one of my Team Spode Buddies, we bled the system, discovered that the master cylinder was toast, fixed that, and wow - the pedal had feel, the rear wheels actually felt like they were trying to stop and I think I had brakes! (it's about time!)
Time for testing and a little bit of Short Course Racing!!!
Part of my reason for bringing the Dez back to Ohio was to go racing in Indiana on a short course track. I'd been invited to come play a couple times and decided what the heck. I enjoyed the stadium tracks (very short course), so there wasn't any reason that I wouldn't enjoy the one in Indiana - it didn't let me down.
I headed out to Stone City Ranch on Friday night and met up with a bunch of my Pilot/Odyssey buddies. It was great to see the crew, race ready and there for fun. I also took the Frankenskeeter with me for my buddy Chris to play in. (I don't race lites anymore.)
Saturday morning I started race prepping the Dez. A bit of shock work, tire pressure changes, and jetting were in order. I was allowed to go out on the outskirts of the track and do some high speed passes to see what the changes from sea level, 20% humidity and 100 degrees to 1000 feet above sea level, 95% humidity and 85 degrees. Real rich on top, lean in the middle and I'm still not quite sure on bottom - but I'm guessing lean and maybe a float height issue - the Dez was bogging on throttle reaction and on jumps or g-outs, it would hesitate.
The first run showed the problems with the jetting and seemed that the brakes were better, but not what I expected. Then again, this was a new rotor and pads, so they probably needed some heat cycles put on them.
New jetting, a couple more runs, realized that I'd gone the wrong direction in the midrange, but hey, what's this? Brakes feel better!
Jetting's better now - but still not quite right, but wow, I think I have brakes!
Time for practice. The guys at Stone City put me in the Unlimited Class. They ran us with another class - a total of six cars on a .75 mile short track. The track's pretty killer. You do a 75 yard or so start that does a 180 degree left hander onto the end of the front straight and over a jump. From there you make a tight right hander, over a small bump (at least in the Dez), jog to the right a tad, sweep to the left, drop off a small shelf, rip up to a nice decreasing radius right hander that sets you up for a killer table top (about 20' wide I'm guessing), land, go over a couple more small bumps, hit one single whoop, stab the brakes HARD and set up for a tight right hander. Drop off a small lip, rip into the next 150 or so degree left hander, run about 80 yards, into a tight 180 right hander, back about 80 yards into this killer 180 left hander - it had a 6' high berm all the way around it and when I could get the car set up before I entered the corner, I could roost the entire berm, spraying a dirt plume all the way through the corner. It dropped into a small gulley, went 50' or so, hit a small uphill jump that gave you just enough time to set up for another table top (bogged really badly at this point). Over the table top you started a long high speed sweeper to the right that went up hill and tightened in the middle. From there you started opening up the corner and then went over two smaller jumps and then you rocketed off the big down hill jump and found yourself back on the main straight where the start fed in. Laptimes were about 1.5 minutes or so.
When I got out on the track for practice, I'm not sure if I screwed up or the flagger did, but they let the black and green car go in front of me and then about 10 seconds later flagged me to go. I caught the guy in about half a lap - and the adrenaline meter suddenly pegged. For some reason I went into PASS HIM NOW mode and got a serious case of the adrenaline shakes - really, really badly.
People accuse me of being an adrenaline junkie - they couldn't be farther from wrong. I hate the dreaded adrenaline surge. It usually means you've just screwed up and are about to feel pain (like when you leave a double jump and know the second the front wheel looses contact with the ground that you're not gonna make the landing) - but this time it was just the thrill of being in the Dez and on a track again. It had been too long since August! I worked past the other car and ran a couple laps, checking lines, seeing how the Dez was working and pretty much just enjoying the living crap outta myself. When I did pull into the pits I had the shakes so bad I was concerned that the race was gonna be too much excitement for me...
I guess it was good that I got the surge out of the way. I didn't quite get the race running order during the driver's meeting and so I sat in the Dez for the two races prior to mine and gave myself a chance to watch the races, see the lines the other guys were running and pretty much mellow out. I needed a bit of pre-race quiet time to myself, I guess.
The races were three heats, ten laps each. For our race they double gated us with another, slower class, making a total of six cars on the starting grid. The staging guy got us all set, checked each driver (you reply with a thumbs up if all is good) then pointed to the flag stand.
Flag out horizontal
Flag slowly drops to a low position
Flag is suddenly raised and the line in front of us launches away. Spraying the second row with mud - oh yeah it's OUR TURN NOW!!!
About 15 to 20 seconds later we go through the same thing - check, thumbs up, flag out, down and LAUNCH! I hit the throttle and the Dez bogs a tad - roll into it, roll into it! We all leave the line - I think I was in second, may have been third - don't really recall. I can't remember where the green and black car was this first race. The Red and white Chenowth buggy pulled the hole shot and I stuck my front bumper right on his back one.
Being that this was the first round of heats for the day, part of the track was still pretty slick. It made for some very interesting corners. Dive in, hit the brakes and lock up the front wheels - no steering! Let off, bias more back brakes in and go after the guy in the next corner. There was one aspect of this short track stuff that I'd never seen before (from the driver's point of view). We came into the first really hard right hander and as I set up to start throwing the Dez into a slide, the guy in front of me is suddenly perpendicular to me! I can see his entire left side and all I can think is "OH NO! I'm gonna drill him in the side!" - then it struck me - these guys use turn brakes! They can operate each rear wheel's brake independently of one and other. To make the corner, these guys go in, tag the wheel and then lock up the inside wheel. The car pivots like it's on a rope and then rips out of the corner. Wow. Wasn't expecting that! Time to change my attack plan. I was going to have to dive in faster and harder, then carry my speed around the outside of him to make the pass. I followed for three or four laps and then he suddenly slowed a bit. He'd blown the tire off the left rear rim. I passed him out of the big sweeping berm corner before the second table top. To be honest, I didn't want to gain a position this way - it was handed to me and that's not the way to gain in my eyes. After I got past him, I was no longer dealing with dust and mud and was able to put the pedal to the floor and proceed to leave the crowd. What a killer ride! The brakes had finally seated - I had rears like I've never had before, the jetting still wasn't correct, but I was able to deal with it. Now it was time to get into a rhythm and learn the track at race speeds.
I did get a good scare in the middle of heat one. The dust down the front straight was pretty bad. You go over two small jumps and then launch down a high speed drop away jump - sort of like a ski jump - after you land, there's another jump before the first turn corner. I'd forgotten about that jump and in the heat of battle and dust, that sucker caught me with my pants down and scared the snot outta me. The Dez just soaked it up, but when you're not expecting a jump on a high speed section, wow... Afterwards, it was actually pretty funny.
The second heat started the same way - launch the other guys first then us. I think I ended up in second again. This time it was the black and green car out in front of me. We battled for postion for about three or four laps and then started catching the class in front of us. I was right on the guy's bumper and we came up to the back table top - this is where i figured I could make my move. Every time we'd go over the three bumps after the table top, the other buggies would get really out of shape and the rear end of the cars would bounce upwards. The Dez just ripped over them like they weren't there. I planned on getting past in the corner, but it wasn't to be. We'd come up on a back marker in the corner and my line got pinched off. I found myself between the green/black car on my left and another on my right. The last thing I wanted to do was tangle with someone so as I let off and we went into the corner, I figured I'd just tuck in behind the black/green car and then deal with him on the next corner. Nope - he suddenly used his turn brake and when he pitched the back end around, it hit my left front and punted my front end into the back marker's right side. I found myself tangled up against the poor guy on the outside line. I was able to work free of the other car and started my pursuit of the green/black car again. I must say that I felt very, very bad on the next lap - came around to the same spot and he was still sitting there. We'd done some sort of damage and he wasn't able to get the car started again. I was trying to avoid just such an incident and got punted into a guy that's not even part of our class. I went through the pits after the heat to appologize and he wasn't very happy about the incident, but accepted it. He also stated that he was more upset with himself because he'd had his thumb inside the steering wheel when we tangled and he thought that it was now broken. Once again, the last thing I wanted to hear...
After getting free of the lapped guy, I set my sites back on the green/black car. I knew two spots that I had a really good chance at him and first place. As we came over the back table top again, I set my plan up - let him get all out of shape over the three whoops, set up on his inside on the right hander, make the pass and block his drive out of the next left hander. It worked almost perfectly. I was able to set myself up on the left hander and when he hit the turn brakes, i was already beside him, sideways and on the throttle. His hitting the brakes was just enough for me to get the drive out of the turn. I think we may have bumped, but it was a good, clean pass. I did screw it up a bit, though...
After I made the pass, I went into "get away" mode and overshot the next corner a bit. I got on the brakes a bit overkill style and broke my momentum and drive. BOOM!!! The green/black car nailed me in the back. Made me think of Mexico a couple years ago when the yellow what ever it was (much faster than me) car gave me a "get outta de way" nudge and I had to smile to myself. Now that I was clear of the guy behind me, it was time to put the pedal down and make some room. I was able to put almost half a lap on him by the end of the race.
There were two small incidents during my time out front. First was on lap 7. Down the back straight I decided to open my visor to cool myself off a bit and clear the inside of it. Suddenly out in front of me I see a small black spot of what appeared to be mud coming off the front right wheel - one of those times when you happen to focus on something that's about 30' or so in front of you. It came directly at me and ended up landing right in the corner of my helmet on my right temple. Wow - open my visor and mud myself. NOPE!!! It wasn't mud, it was a BEE!!! Bet you can guess how I figured that one out. OUCH, OUCH, OUCH!! I worried about it at first. I've been stung once before and ended up getting hives, having a bit of a tight chest and such. This was not the time to have this sort of stuff happen, so I started keeping very aware of my physical state. I had already figured out where the ambulance was incase I started reacting, thinking "screw this, I'll drive straight to them if I have issues", but I guess it wasn't to be. The adrenaline in my body must have been enough to keep me from reacting too badly. Whew.
The second issue with the second heat was the Dez's drive train. The Dez uses a snowmobile engine and drive train. Two clutches and a belt. The driven clutch is the weak link in the drive train. It takes a very serious pounding and the jumps and launches on this track really did a job on it. I have to be very careful about landing with the throttle on too hard, as it makes the clutch slam to the open position and it cracks or breaks the three towers that hold it together. About lap 8 I noticed a vibration setting up at higher speeds. I figured the belt was going, so I backed off the throttle and kept an eye on second place. Turned out that I had more than enough room between the two of us to lay back and cruise to Win #2!
When I got back to the pits and started checking the Dez, I discovered that I'd chunked a 3" piece out of the belt and the clutch had been damaged a touch - worked a nut loose and allowed one of the towers to crack. - it happens, I consider the driven clutch a throw away item like the belt and brake pads and always have at least one spare on hand. I also heard from some of my buddies that they could hear the belt and clutch making noise when I'd go flying down the front straight.
A belt change and a quick turn of the wrenches and the Dez was ready for heat three - but I had worries that it may not make the finish line.
The third race was killer. Once again, the first wave left the line, we waited and launched. This time I was just right with the throttle and stuck my front end right beside the guy in the Chenowth - I had the inside line for the corner, but he had the inside line for the next corner and the back straight. I had to give him room and take second place. The battle was on!
I dogged him for the next few laps. He was one hell of a good driver - kept his lines tight and hard to pass, had great drive out of the corners and was making me work my butt off to get around him. The track was also starting to dry out more, develop ruts in the corners and such and it was making it harder on me to drive - the Dez likes slippery stuff more than traction in the corners. I kept worrying that I was going to catch a lip and get out of shape. Must have been affecting him the same way too.
I'm not sure what lap it was, but as we came into turn one, I was going to set up wide and duck down inside him, seeing if I could get the drive down the straight. He went a tad wide and suddenly I see the bottom of his car! He'd caught one of the ruts with his front left and proceeded to pivot up in the air. I actually thought that he was going to land on me as he came back down so I stuck the front right wheel of the Dez up on the grass and nailed the throttle - I was just trying to stay clear of him, but in the process, ended up taking over first place. WOO HOO!!!
As with the last heat, once I got clear, I was able to pull away and get some room between the two of us. This was a good thing too. About lap 6 or 7 the vibration came back and I now had to nurse the drive train as carefully as possible. I kept watching in the mirrors to see where he was - still behind but gaining. Fortunately, I was able to keep him at bay and took Win #3 of the day. I've really, really needed results like this.
After the race, I took a buddy's son out on the long course (3 miles) for a ride and to see what the track was like. We made it about half way around the track and the clutch let go. All three towers were broken off and the clutch was a complete and total waste. We got a tow back to the pits and I was one happy camper that it let me finish the race.
I'd like to thank Phil Johnson for inviting me (and hounding me) to come race with the guys. It was a blast! The short course was killer. I was also impressed with how physically challenging it was! I was more worn out in 23 miles of racing on this track than any desert race.
Can't wait for July 31! Stone City Ranch is doing the long course. From what I understand, it's a 45 minutes plus one lap. I don't know how many heats, but I'll find out!
Get in touch with the guys at Stone City Ranch. They have a full compliment of classes, from Stadium Lites (the course is PERFECT for them) to trucks to buggies. They run the cars and trucks on Saturday and bikes and quads on Sunday. It's a great place, run by great people. Thank you all!!
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