She's not seen the Arch in St. Louis up to this point. We also had to stop and be tourist (we do this a lot over this trip) and take the obligatory picture at the Continental Divide |
Wind turbines abound across the country, but this valley, as you leave Palm Springs and head towards LA has to take the cake for the highest density of the things. I can remember seeing this place on I-10 back in the late '80's when I was involved in Superbike racing. There are a lot more there now, though. |
We stayed in Palos Verdes for a couple of nights with a good friend of Hannah and her family. They moved away a year ago and it was really nice to see them again. The peacock is named Humphery. There are a bunch of these birds in the Palos Verdes and boy are they vocal. If you think that chickens make a lot of noise, you've never been waken with the sun by peacocks. |
 With the help of Hannah's friend Alex, we wandered around the LA area. Of course we had to head down to Hollywood and enjoy the sites. Yes, that is the Hollywood sign - if you look very closely at the pix. |
 Hannah and Alex, Hannah and me and then the best star on the walk! |
 L.A. Ink! We happened across the place and had to stop. I got a little additional work done while there too. Hey, why not? I'm in Hollywood! |
 Hannah and Alex posing away for the camera again We headed down to Rodeo Drive and low and behold - a Bugatti Veyron! I've always wanted to see one of these beasts. |
 More pix of the Veyron. This is considered one of the premier Supercars. I was actually sort of bummed after seeing it in person. Not what I thought it would be. It's not nearly as pretty as I thought it would be in person. 1.7 MILLION dollars! Cool factor is a 10, but overall impression was a bit of a bummer to me. |
 Only in Beverly Hills would the street covers and man hole covers be marked with the city name! Also here's a new Alpha Romeo. Very cool looking car - and it sounded great.
I must say the automotive sights (and for me, the female sights) were spectacular on Rodeo Drive. I got a total kick out of my daughter too - not many young women turn to look at a heard high performance exhaust note - Hannah was very quick to spot them and point them out, though. |
 One more pic of the Alpha on Friday and then Saturday it was off to Vegas! Hannah enjoyed sleeping in on Sunday morning. |
 Last time I was in Vegas, there was a massive construction project going on. This new center is just amazing. |
 More pix of the place and a shot of a store just for my buddy Chris. |
 These tubes were really interesting, They would fill up, start whirling and form these cool "tornados" The sculpture was pretty cool too. The columns in the right side pic are ice, of all things. |
A shot of a Camaro that Hannah thinks is pretty sweet. When I first heard it came in green, I though why? Then I saw one and I have to agree with here - not bad.
We headed from the south part of Las Vegas Blvd. north and found the pawn shop that's been on TV. Hannah wanted to check the place out. Talk about a zoo. People everywhere. Still, it's been fun playing tourist. |

More of Hannah at the pawn shop and a shot of the pool at our hotel. |
Okay, so we were a little backwards on taking these. On the way out of town we had to stop and do the obligatory "Welcome to Vegas" sign shots. |

The new bridge that bypasses the Hover Dam. They've been bulding this for a while now. It's massive in scope. Middle pic: Here's Hannah after an hour and a half of being beaten around in the desert car. As she said, "I prefer stirred over shaken!" She wasn't feeling too good and I think the 117F heat may have had part to do with it. |